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Themen - Sämia Mattistonen

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ÁSATRÚ | Asenglaube / Kalender der Religiöse Festen.
« am: 05.04.2011, 00:14 »
Jul 31 Dez-1 Jan
Celebration of the Norse New Year; a festival of 12 nights.
This is the most important of all the Norse holidays. On the night of December
20, the god Ingvi Freyr rides over the earth on the back of his shining boar,
bringing Light and Love back into the World. In later years, after the
influence of Christianity, the god Baldur, then Jesus, was reborn at this
festival. Jul signifies the beginning and end of all things; the darkest time
(shortest hour of daylight) during the year and the brightest hope re-entering
the world. During this festival, the Wild Hunt is at its greatest fervor, and
the dead are said to range the Earth in its retinue. The god Wotan (Odin) is
the leader of this Wild Ride; charging across the sky on his eight-legged horse,
Sleipnir; a very awe-inspiring vision. In ancient times, Germanic and Norse
children would leave their boots out by the hearth on Solstice Eve, filled with
hay and sugar, for Sleipnir's journey. In return, Wotan would leave them a gift
for their kindness. In modern times, Sleipnir was changed to a reindeer and the
grey-bearded Wotan became the kindly Santa Claus (Father Christmas).

Thorseblot Voll Mond in Jan
Minor feast honoring Thor, the protector of Midgard. During
this time, the height of the Storm season, Thor's power is invoked to drive back
the frost Jotuns so that Spring may return to Midgard.

Disting 2 Feb.
Festival of the Idises, when the effects of Winter are beginning
to lessen and the world prepares itself for Spring. Corresponds to the pagan
holiday of Imbolc. Disting is characterized by preparing the land for
planting. In ancient times, Disting was the time when the cattle were counted
and one's wealth was tallied; thus making it a festival of finance as well. It
was said that new calves born during Disting were a sign of great prosperity for
the coming year.

Valisblot 14 feb
Many modern Asatruar celebrate Valisblot, or Vali's Feast, even
though there is no historical precedent for associating Odin's youngest son with
this festival; other than the name Vali associated with "Valentine." The hero
Svenfjotli, son of Sigimund, was reputed to have been born at this time, and
often blots are drunk to him as well.

Ostara 21 22 März
Festival of Ostara (Eostre), the Spring Goddess. This is a
festival of renewal, rejoicing and fertility, although for most of the Northern
People, the forces of Winter are still at full sway. In ancient times, the gift
of colored eggs to one's friends and loved ones was a way of wishing them well
for the coming season; a magical ritual of prosperity and fecundity. The rabbit
was the symbol of this festival as well because of it's re-emergence during this
season, and for its reproductive ability. These two rituals have survived into
the modern holiday of Easter (which derives its name from Eostre) as Easter eggs
and the Easter bunny. Like most ancient heathen rituals, they are relegated
into the world of children; held for naught among adults; but the race memory
lingers on.

Walpurgis/ Thrimilci 21 April 1 Mai
The festival of
Walpurgis, a night both of revelry and darkness. The nine nights of April 22
(interestingly enough, the modern festival of Earth Day) to April 30 are
venerated as rememberance of the AllFather's self-sacrifice upon the World Tree
Yggdrasil. It was on the ninth night (April 30, Walpurgisnacht) that he beheld
the Runes, grasped them, and ritually died for an instant. At that moment, all
the Light in the 9 worlds is extinguished, and utter Chaos reigns. At the final
stroke of midnight, the Light returns in dazzling brilliance, and the bale-fires
are lit. On Walpurgisnacht, the dead have full sway upon the earth; it is the
ending night of the Wild Hunt. May 1 is the festival of Thrimilci; the
beginning of Summer. Thrimilci is a festival of joy and fertility, much like
Ostara; however, most of the Northern World is finally escaping from the snow at
this time.

Einherjar 30 Mai
Minor modern Asatru festival honoring the warriors who fell
during battle and who asceded to Valhalla's halls. Corresponds with the modern
American holiday of Memorial Day.

Sigurðsblot 9 Juni
Minor festival honoring Sigurd (Sigifrith or Siegfreid), the
great hero who slayed the dragon Fafnir and won back the treasure of the

Midsummer 21 22 Juni
Celebration of the Summer Solstice, when the power of the Sun is
at its height. It was at this time that most foreign trade was conducted, as
well as shipping, fishing expeditions, and raiding. Thus, Midsummer was the
festival of power and activity. It was not without its dark side as well.
Midsummer was recognized as the longest day of the year; thus, the year began to
age after this time and the days grow progressively shorter. The god Baldur is
said to have been sacrificed at this time, but is reborn at Jul; the hero Sigurd
was also said to have been slain by treachery at Midsummer by his blood-brothers
Hagan and Gunthur (Gundahar).

Lithasblot 31 Juli 1 August
The harvest festival; giving thanks to Urda (Ertha) for her
bounty. Often alms are given to the unfortunate at this time, or loaves in the
shape of the fylfot (the Sun-wheel, which fell into regrettable disrepute during
the dark times of the second World War when the symbol was perverted as a symbol
of chaos and darkeness). Interestingly, Lithasblot 1941 was allegedly the time
when the magical lodges of England performed rituals to keep the Nazi forces
from invading their country; which may have worked, since Hitler eventually
abandoned plans to invade Great Britain. Lithasblot has long been associated
with ceremonial magic and magical workings.

Mabon (Ernte ende) 22 23 September
Mabon is a minor blot acknowledging the end of the Harvest
Season, also associate with vintage and mead-making. Most people held off the
full celebration of this holiday, though, until the main festival of

Samhain 29 Oktober 2 November
The beginning of the winter season for the Northern folk.
Rememberances of the dead and one's ancestors were made during this feast.
Winternights was a ceremony of wild abandon; much like the Carnivale season in
the Mediterranean countries, and it marked the end of the summer season of
commerce and travel and the beginning of the winter season of hunting. Much
divination was done during Winternights to foretell the fates of those entering
the coming year. It was said that if one sat on a barrow-mound (grave) all
night long on Winternights, one would have full divinatory, shamanic (galdr and
seith), and bardic (skaldr) powers . . . that is, if one retained one's sanity!
Winternights marked the beginning of the Wild Hunt, which would continue until
Walpurgisnacht. This festival corresponds roughly to the Celtic Samhain, and
the modern American festival of Halloween, although the darker aspects of the
festival are not as pronounced among the Norse people. (The Norse festival of
darkness was Walpurgis, a full 6 months away).

Begibt sich nach den Flug in den Sendirað .
Fühlt sich Hundsmiserabel nach den Flug immer meine Elektroliden die Aufspielen..

Findet eine Flasche After Gating und Trinkt die Aus..

Ausgestaltung / Sucht den Airport?
« am: 05.03.2011, 13:19 »
Gibt es ein Flughafen wo Mann ankommen kann? :)

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